Solved the problem that an invalid constraint was created and the sketch could not be manipulated when the intersection point was specified as an end point or a passing point with a line, circle, rectangle, or polygon command.
Solved the problem that In [Thrust Part] and [Constant from Profile Thrust Part] Process, when CL calculation is performed in multiple areas where the areas specified for [Machining Range] and areas not specified are mixed, a system error occurs and the calculation is performed.
Solved the problem that an error occurred when trying to place a jig section with an added jig hole.
Solved the problem that 'Regenerate norminal size' was not performed correctly when there were multiple child parts.
Patch Instruction
If CADmeister is running, exit without a quick start.
Also close the job manager and data exchange.
1. Download the file here.
>>CADmeister V13.1 Patch<<
2. Unzip file to get "CMPatch" folder.
3. Right-click "1_CMBkup.bat" and select "Run as administrator".
The file before patched is automatically backed up to the folder (_PatchBac64 / _PatchBac32) corresponding to the OS version (32bit / 64bit), and the
resulting log file is created.
Please wait for the window to close.
4). Right-click "2_CMPatchMain.bat" and select "Run as administrator".
5). A list of PC environments to which the patch is applied is displayed. Press any key to continue.
Patch copy starts.
* If you want to cancel applying the patch, press [Ctrl + C].
6). When the patch copy is completed, a log file (name: login user name_date_time.log) is created in the following location.
[CADmeister install directory]:\CRESTAM\_PatchArc
* If an error occurs, it will be output in ”CMPatch” folder.
7). After the message **Patching completed successfully, Close the command screen.**, Close the window
This bug will be improved in CADmeisterV14.1.